China's largest Offshore Oil and Gas Producer

Global Insight 14:Angel and Devil of CCUS

From technical feasibility and adaptability perspectives, CCUS can play a "just" role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. In developing areas such as African countries, access to a stable and reliable fossil energy supply is still tricky. In medium-sized developed countries, industries including cement have difficulty achieving zero carbon emissions. Ending fossil energy supply and consumption in these regions and industries is politically and economically impossible. CCUS is the only way out.

However, the IEA makes it clear: "Failure to develop CCUS for fossil fuels will lead to additional investments of about $15 trillion in the wind, solar and electrolytic hydrogen production to achieve the same level of emissions reductions." If we do not see financially successful CCUS projects in the next 10 years, the 2-degree goal will be challenging to achieve.

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