China's largest Offshore Oil and Gas Producer

Global Insight 16:3D printing in the oil and gas industry

This article examines the application of 3D printing in the oil and gas industry. 3D printing was used in the design phase and prototyping, but as the technology evolved, it was gradually applied to the production of end-use parts. The advantages of 3D printing in the oil and gas industry are analyzed in detail, including optimizing the supply chain, improving integration and complex modeling capabilities, enhancing part performance, accelerating part testing and development, and reducing lead times. The actual case studies of large oil and gas companies such as Shell, Total, ExxonMobil, etc., are summarized in laying out 3D printing technology in the oil and gas industry. Finally, the challenges of 3D printing and how we should deal with them are analyzed and the development prospects of 3D printing in the oil and gas industry.

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Section of Global Development Strategy.

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